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Collaborative Laboratories

Collaborative Laboratory (CoLAB) is a private non-profit association or company, already created or to be created, whose main objective is the collaboration of its members in the pursuit of common research and innovation agendas in the short and medium term, oriented towards the creation of skilled jobs and economic and social value.

The Collaborative Laboratories are an opportunity for scientific and academic institutions, in close collaboration with economic, social and cultural actors, to contribute to the construction, in Portugal, of projects of international relevance, with an effective impact on society, stimulating the creation of skilled jobs in Portugal.

The status of collaborative laboratory is attributed by FCT, for a period of five years, renewable, to non-profit associations or commercial companies, after an evaluation process. The Call for the recognition and the attribution of the title of Collaborative Laboratory is permanently open. The title will subsequently allow the application for specific funding.

See the summary document of the 35 CoLABs approved after 4 evaluation rounds.

Results of the Call assessment exercises for the Collaborative Lab title:

  • 41

    collaborative laboratories