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R&D program for the prevention and combat of forest fires

Through the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 159/2017, of October 21, it was determined the creation of an R&D Program for the prevention and combat of forest fires, in order to strengthen the development of R&D activities aimed at encouraging and strengthening scientific and technological skills and capabilities, as well as ensuring the appropriation and incorporation of scientific knowledge in decision support in operational systems and facilitate the production of new knowledge oriented to solving concrete and real problems.

The R&D Program includes three Calls, held annually, starting in late 2017.

Through this Call the FCT supported scientific research and technological development projects within the scope of forest fire prevention and combat, focusing on the development of research activities in the following areas:

  1. Governance of forest resources;
  2. Fire management and extreme fire behavior;
  3. Attitudes and behaviors towards fire prevention, firefighting, and land management, including its collaborative aspect;
  4. Management models and preventive forestry;
  5. Meteorology, forecasting and risk management, including ignition detection and optimization of early warning and development of intelligent observation and decision support systems, including advanced remote sensing and artificial intelligence technologies;
  6. Sensing, information and emergency communications systems and their integration into decision processes;
  7. Management and valorization of biomass in rural areas;
  8. Models of organization and management of forest areas, in the areas of protection, conservation, silvopastoralism, recreation, leisure and production;
  9. Occupational health and safety of combat technicians;
  10. Post-fire restoration and forest management, at different temporal and spatial scales.



FCT has edited a brochure presenting the 56selected projects, which is available in digital format.



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