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Program in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration

The Foundation for Science and Technology promotes a Program in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration through Calls public to support new R&D projects involving partnerships between public administration and scientific institutions. The projects must be oriented to deepen the processing of public data and stimulate the production of new knowledge relevant to citizens, based on the use of advanced techniques of artificial intelligence and data science.

The central objective of this initiative is to promote scientific knowledge from large amounts of data, available in public administration, to assist decision making processes and the definition of public policies, so that these decisions are increasingly based on a deep knowledge of reality, and technically supported on evidence and not on intuitions.

The possible areas of intervention are diverse, including, for example, health, employment, education, sustainable development, and road prevention.


FCT has edited a brochure presenting theselected projects, which is available in digital format.

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