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Integrated and multidisciplinary research program around the work of Álvaro Siza Vieira

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, the Ministry of Culture and the Serralves Foundation have established an agreement that will enable the implementation of an integrated and multidisciplinary research program on the work of Álvaro Siza Vieira in its multiple aspects and disciplinary areas, from architecture, the arts and social sciences, to engineering and materials sciences.

Through this Call, FCT supports scientific research and technological development projects within the scope of Álvaro Siza Vieira's Architecture, focused on the development of research activities in its multiple aspects, in the following areas:

  1. Architecture projects and their relationship with the users of the spaces and their social environment;
  2. The integration and interrelation of architectural works with the surrounding spaces, the city, the landscape, and the territory;
  3. The relationship of architecture to the arts, namely drawing, sculpture and film, and the applied arts;
  4. The materialization of architecture, including structures, technologies, and materials and their relationship to performance and surrounding conditions.






  • 0,6M€


  • 5


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