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Opened the Call for the Attribution of Studentships of Research for Doctorate 2021

FCT opened today, March 1, the period for submission of applications to Call de Studentships de Investigação para Doutoramento de 2021, for the allocation of 1450 Studentships. The deadline for applications is March 31, until 5 pm (Lisbon time).

The funding of Studentships for doctoral studies is one of the pillars of FCT's activity, playing an important role for advanced qualification and scientific development. FCT currently funds about 5 thousand doctoral research Studentships in all scientific fields.

The Studentships doctoral research grants funded by FCT are competitively awarded to support advanced training in all areas of knowledge leading to a doctoral degree. The Studentships allow doctoral students to dedicate themselves exclusively to their research activity. 

The research activities to be carried out by applicants under the Studentships to be awarded in this Call can be developed in any environment of production and dissemination of knowledge, national or international. The host institutions can be higher education institutions, R&D Units, Associate Laboratories, Collaborative Laboratories, Technological Interface Centers, State Laboratories and other public research institutions, hospitals and health care units, other entities integrated in the Public Administration where R&D activities are carried out, private non-profit institutions whose main objective is R&D activities, companies whose activities have been recognized as being of scientific interest or consortia in which any of these entities participate.

Research activities can also be carried out at more than one host institution, and it is possible to combine different host institutions, both public and private, including companies and public administration, thus promoting collaboration, as well as transdisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity.

All procedures of Call - application, evaluation, announcement of results, prior hearing, complaint/appeal and contracting - take place entirely on the myFCT electronic platform. All information related to Call is available on the FCT website.

Questions regarding the application, the form or how to fill it in should be addressed to info.Studentships@fct .pt, always identifying the reference to "Call Studentships 2021" in the subject line. Before contacting FCT, we recommend that applicants carefully read all the documents related to Call, including the FAQs, where they will find clear, systematic and up-to-date information on the applicable rules and procedures.

Intensive use of FCT services on the occasion of Call implies a great deal of workload and may lead to delays in the processing of questions, possibly delaying the application process. 

FCT welcomes the opening of this stimulus to Advanced Training and wishes all applicants the best of luck.