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It is open the Call of Studentships for PhD Maria de Sousa 2021

FCT opened today, June 1, the period for submission of applications for the allocation of 50 Studentships under the Call de Studentships de Investigação para Doutoramento Maria de Sousa 2021 - SEAGULL - Seeking Epidemiological and Virological Answers. The deadline for applications is 5 pm (Lisbon time) of June 30, 2021.

The Call was announced by FCT on April 14, the day that marked one year since the death of Maria de Sousa, emeritus professor of the University of Porto and emeritus researcher of the i3S Institute, and also retired full professor of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar. The title of Call is intended as a symbolic tribute to the illustrious scientist, internationally renowned for her studies in the field of immunology, who played a key role in the development of the national scientific system and in the creation of a whole new generation of Portuguese scientists. 

The goal of Call is to encourage the acquisition of new knowledge that will enable the creation of competencies for responses to epidemiological and virological phenomena, including pandemics, and that will translate into efficient prevention measures, better health care, and effective support to citizens. 

Applications will be considered in any scientific area, with projects that contribute to increasing knowledge in the following subjects:

  • Epidemiology and risk factors for virus infection and severe illness;
  • Human-animal interaction, mechanisms of resistance and interspecies transmission of viruses, and the risk of pandemics;
  • Strategies for prevention and preparedness for new epidemics, including vaccines;
  • Innovative approaches, including new methods and new technologies, for diagnosing the disease;
  • Characterization of the mechanisms of viral infection;
  • Characterization of the host immune cellular and serological response to virus infection, impact of age and comorbidities;
  • Development of new therapies and new therapeutic approaches, including life support and personal protective equipment to combat the disease;
  • Repercussions of viral infection on maternal and newborn health;
  • Psychological impact and behavioral changes associated with pandemics.

All procedures of Call - application, evaluation, announcement of results, prior hearing, complaint/appeal and contracting - take place entirely on the myFCT electronic platform. All information related to Call is available on the FCT website.

Questions regarding the application, the form or how to fill it in should be addressed to info.Studentships@fct .pt, always identifying the reference to "Call Maria de Sousa 2021" in the subject line. Before contacting FCT, we recommend that applicants carefully read all the documents related to Call, including the FAQ, where they will find information on the applicable rules and procedures.

FCT welcomes the opening of another Call to stimulate Advanced Training and wishes all candidates the best of luck.