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"OECD Expert Group on the Management and Analysis of R&D and Innovation Administrative Data (MARIAD /NESTI /OECD)"

MARIAD is a working group set up under the OECD Working Party of National Experts on Science and Technology Indicators (NESTI), with the aim of promoting the use of administrative R&D&I funding data to inform evidence-based policy-making.

The FCT (together with the ANI) ensures Portugal's participation in this working group.

As part of this database group, "SciPROJ" (the national database developed under the FCCN-FCT PTCRIS program) has been integrated into "FUNDSTAT", the OECD's data infrastructure, which brings together information on R&D&I funding from more than 20 countries and the European Commission. This sharing will make it possible to integrate information on Portugal into studies carried out by the OECD and to obtain information on the directionality of funding in relevant areas, such as the Green Transition and the Sustainable Development Goals.

News: FCT joins OECD project on public funding for R&D and Innovation (June 6, 2023)


Studies and Strategic Planning