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Inclusion and gender equality in research careers

The FCT is involved in European reference projects for Gender Equality issues:

GENDERACTION Plus - "Gender Equality Network to Develop ERA Communities To coordinate Inclusive and sustainable policy implementation" - 2022- 2024 (Horizon Europe Project, CSA)

Following on from Portugal's representation in activities within the scope of Gender Equality in Research and Innovation (R&D and Innovation) policies - such as participation in the ERAC Standing Working Group Gender in Research and Innovation (SWG GRI-EU), during 2017-2021 (and more recently in the ERA FORUM Sub-Group for Action 5 of the 2022-2024 Political Agenda "Inclusive Gender Equality in the European Research Area") - FCT is a partner in the consortium responsible for the GENDERACTION Plus Project.

The general objective of this project is to:

  • to support the coordination of Gender Equality policies within the European Research Area (EEI/ERA European Reaserch Area), in particular providing strategic advice to the ERAC (European Research Area Committee) and monitoring the ERA Policy Agenda and the Pact for R&I, particularly with regard to Action 5 (Gender Equality and Inclusion).
  • build capacity, skills and impact in Gender Equality.

FCT is Task Leader of the Task related to "Inclusive Research Careers", integrated in Work Package 2 (WP2) - Intersectionality and Inclusiveness, which aims to ensure that within the framework of European R&D and Innovation policies, and in the respective coordination, a 'gender +' perspective is developed through the exploration of the use of terminology, policies and existing practices in terms of intersectionality, diversity and inclusion in R&D and innovation developed within the framework of the ERA.


 Related links:

FCT ensures the national contribution to SHE FIGURES: SHE FIGURES 2021

Publication of FCT's "Inclusive Research Careers" Report under the GENDERACTIONplus Project